Sun over Weir Island All Day by Rose Edwards

Rose Edwards

During the month of July, our gallery artist will be Rose Edwards.

Artist statement:

In the beginning, I mostly painted still lives. They were cozy, comfortable, and remained still for hours at a time. My paintings of inside my house emphasized the beauty of food and occasionally the elegance of human-made objects. I decided on the lighting and the positions of the objects. I loved to dive into details. My pieces were portraits more than anything else.

Lately I’ve been breaking out of those confined spaces and the controlled, tidy close-ups. I am exploring the messiness and spaciousness of outside. Goodbye, straight lines! All but the horizon is soft, loose, perhaps a little chaotic. Light changes, clouds move, water is stirred by wind, and alongside them, I feel myself changing too.

The Breakup by Rose Edwards

I feel at home both inside and outside. They each serve their purposes in my life. Sometimes I am a homebody, cuddling on the couch with a book, smelling the muffins baking in the oven. Stability is a wonderful thing. Other times, I am a wild spirit who needs the vastness, vigor, and anonymity of the outdoors. Here, I welcome being surprised. Many of my seascapes are taken from my experiences as a sailor, both near and very, very far from home.

These paintings celebrate my connection to each environment, and the person I become within each.

Rose can be found on her website, or by email.