Avoid paying for fake insurance
“We’re trying to get in touch with your about your cars extended warranty”
For a while this was nothing more than a joke to me. An online cryptid that I had never experienced in the wild. I felt like I was being left out of something, a community of people who had gotten these calls and gotten to laugh them off. When my turn finally came I was almost giddy at hearing the comically robotic voice. Once it was over and the joke had worn off I started thinking to myself, what is an extended warranty on a car, and wouldn’t I know about it if I had one?
Well that was when I decided to call Stanley Subaru in Ellsworth to ask for some details about what an extended warranty actually was. What I found out is that any extended warranty from Subaru will have their logo on it, so if you receive something in the mail make sure to look for the logo of the company that you bought the car from.
Stanley Subaru also told me that the warranty is going to be something that you purchase with the car. If someone is calling to try and sell you something extra be wary, and make sure to do your research before paying for anything. Stay safe out there!
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